Sunday, July 19, 2009

This just in... FACEBOOK founder slammed for harmless elieboration...

FLASH! FACEBOOK founder Ben Mez*rich* is slammed by a jealous, facts-constrained press for the sound decision to burnish his otherwise dull non-fiction copy with some well-meaning sex- and slant- appeal. Taking the Dan Brown route, Mez*rich* threw caution (and possibly factual credibility) to the wind in the publishing of his latest book, "The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal." (Sounds like just an average day for this reporter).

And while Mez*rich* derides his journalistic nay-sayers for spewing "elist claptrap" He might be revealing his, ahem, sensationlist colors with such journalistically-discredible remarks as "I'm much more into entertainment than literature," or citing as his "heroes" fiction writers Stephen King, Michael Crichton and John Grisham. (Tom Wolfe, at least, can breathe easier).

There will likely be little that's accidental about this book's controversy, however, or its success... after all who, short of Twi-blight's Stephanie Mired, plots a work of fantastical hyperbole by accident? And honestly, this reporter asks, does John and Jane Q. America truly want to give Mr. Mez*rich* another dime after all those social networking *improvements* he's authorized (to great opposition and chagrin) in the past year? This Journo says no-no...

We will following the numbingly exciting developments of this story, until boredom or clever elaboration sets in... check back for further news at the evening round-up.

"A fact is just information until the killing, cursing and sex starts... then its news!" YJ

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